Grade 1

Grade 1

Focus: Who is Jesus for me?
"For through faith you are all children of God in Christ Jesus."
Galatians 3:26

How Do First Graders Learn?

First  graders are just beginning their formal faith formation. They are developing a sense of relationship with others, outside family members. They are also beginning to gain a better perspective of the world around them. First graders may have a difficult time understanding the feelings of others. They know there are rules that we need to follow so when they see someone who is breaking a rule as they know it, they may feel uncomfortable.

Being concrete thinkers, first graders learn best through sensory experience. Stories followed by hands on activities can help the lessons come to life for them.

What Do First Graders Learn?

Being the rule-based thinkers that they are, this is the perfect time to introduce basic faith formation lessons. The first graders will be introduced to simple bible stories, and learn about Creation as a sign of God's love for us; his greatest gift being Jesus. We will focus on the relationship each of us has with Jesus and how that is represented in the family. We want them to know that Jesus is our Lord and King, but he is also a friend who wants us to love others as much as we are loved by God.

Grade Level Information

We use the "Alive in Christ" series for First Grade, and incorporate more seasonal activities through the year. We also add stories, games, and music appropriate to the lesson of the week. Additionally, there are times when food is used for a lesson. Please sign the following permission form for food items used during a lesson.

Food Permission Form

When we meet, the children should have already read the chapter for the week and finished any work in the chapter so they can ask questions about the lesson. The more prepared the children are, the better they can grasp the material being taught in the classroom.

We also encourage families to read the Gospel for the corresponding Sunday. The reading can be found in the "Celebrating Sunday for Catholic Families" book that is handed out during the Parent Meetings at the beginning of the year.

Weekly Homework Assignments

New Title

Prayers to Learn

Your Children should know the prayers from Pre-school and kindergarten,   and learn: 

The Lord's Prayer

Glory Be

Hail Mary

(Found on pages 316 and 317 of their AIC books)

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