Welcome to our Family Page. While our religious education program recognizes the Liturgy as the “source and summit from which all Catechesis flows,” we are also inspired by the fact that you, the parents or guardians of our students, are the primary educators of your children. Studies show that children have a better appreciation of the faith when it is practiced in the home. Our goal, then, is to provide families with resources and opportunities to experience faith beyond what is taught within the walls of the classroom.
We know your time is precious, but we have a very limited time to teach your children all that they need to know about the faith. With that in mind, we ask you to work on the chapter assigned at home. The children should come to RE with the chapter read and Chapter Review finished. Let them jot down any questions, pertaining to the chapter, they may have in order to facilitate discussion without too many diversions.
We want to thank you for your partnership in the endeavor to walk this faith journey with your children so they may come to realize God’s grace and great love for them. We hope that being a part of our program enhances your family's faith journey. God bless you on all you do for your Children!
Alive in Christ
In the Home
For Grades 1-6 Here you will find a variety of lesson themed games, activities and home lesson plans. Please click "Family" to find lessons and reviews.
We are now accepting registration for the 2024-2025 academic year. Please see someone in the RE office for more info.
April Theme: Holy Week
We are starting something new just for families with young children. We call the program "Tiny Seekers" and we work togetehr with you and your children to "seek" Jesus in the Scriptures.
This program is for those aged 1-5 and their parents. Older siblings can join us too as we will have our teens cover the materials for older brothers and sisters.
Can't make it to regular RE? This is our Family Faith program designed as a Family Date Night. We meet 1 Tuesday a month and talk about the Unit in general. Your family works on the individual chapters at home.
This month we will look how we live as Easter People and the Kingdom of God.
Let's celebrate the year! Bring in a tray of goodies to share with others. We will honor those with perfect attendance, and have a May Crowning.
Our monthly Family Mass is now being offered for Grade Level participants.
We will have a Children's Choir consisting of all ages. Their practice is the one Thursday prior to the Mass, from 6:30-6:55. Parents need to be present.
Our Readers also need to practice at 6:30 on that day.
We will always need Greeters, Gift bearers, and Ushers as well. Contact the RE office for more info.