Grade 2

Grade 2

Focus: Jesus, Present in the Eucharist
"This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me."
Luke 22:19

How Do Second Graders Learn?

Second graders understand cause and effect, so we begin to teach them about God’s rules as guidelines for how we are to live. They are beginning to understand how their actions effect those around them, and how there are consequences for behaviors. They learn best hands-on with clear explanations and steps. While second graders may not fully grasp the idea of real presence, they do know there is a difference between bread and wine and the Eucharist. 

What Do Second Graders Learn?

Our second graders will continue to grow on what is taught in grade one, particularly about making good choices and bad choices. They will have the opportunity to attend Reconciliation in the spring and will celebrate their First Communion in May (as long as they have had two consecutive years of Faith Formation). They also learn more about Moses through their Little Moses Lessons, and they will begin to learn the parts of the Mass as they prepare for the reception of Holy Communion. Our Sacrament Preparation is done primarily at home with several family opportunities including Reconciliation, Bread Breaking Celebrations, and Retreats at the Parish.

Grade Level Information

We use the "Alive in Christ" series for Second Grade, along with the "Blessed First Communion" books. We also have the "Mini-Mosses" lessons and we look at how we interact as a community throughout the year.

When we meet, the children should have already read the chapter for the week and finished any work in the chapter so they can ask questions about the lesson. The more prepared the children are, the better they can grasp the material being taught in the classroom.

We also encourage families to read the Gospel for the corresponding Sunday. The reading can be found in the "Celebrating Sunday for Catholic Families" book that is handed out during the Parent Meetings at the beginning of the year.

Homework Schedule The Lord's Prayer in Color Chapel Tour

Prayers to Learn

Your Children should know the prayers from Pre-school through first grade and learn: 

The Jesus Prayer

The Act of Contrition (for Reconciliation)

(Found on page 327 of their AIC books)

Special Events

First Communion Parent's Meeting

Tuesday, September 24, 2024
7:00 PM in Church (Parents Only)

The Good Shepherd Reconciliation Retreat

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Session A 10:00-Noon

Session B 12:30-2:30

Reconciliation (TBD)

Celebrate Eucharist-Parent/Child
1st Communion Retreat:

Saturday, March 22 , 2025
   (A-L) 10:00-12:00 
  (M-Z) 11:30-1:30

Bread Breaking Celebration

Wednesday-Thursday, April 9-10, 2025
6:45 PM

First Communion Mass

Saturday, May 17, 2025- 11:00 AM

Please watch for more info

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